It seems like the entire world lately has been in a bit of a panic.
Every day it’s something else out there that is trying to shake the hopeful energy that I so desperately cling on to.
Turning on the news each morning to see the latest tragedy has become too common in my home. And then when it’s over, we’re left asking ourselves: What will tomorrow bring? More of the corona virus? More tornadoes? Another school shooting? A tsunami? Four more years of political debauchery?
I have no idea what will happen tomorrow. But as for today, I am still here. I’m alive. This baby that we prayed for so long for is finally here. Liam is here. Will is here. And they are all alive and healthy. They are my entire heart and they are alive.
I am by no means neglecting the fact that devastating things have happened to innocent people. I wish I could send a thought and a prayer to each and every one who has recently been impacted by sadness and I wish that my empathy alone was enough to heal their grieving hearts.
But I do realize that even in a world where bad things happen, there is still so much good news to share. For every case of corona virus, there are doctors, scientists, and researchers working hard to keep us safe. For every natural disaster there are friends and neighbors who come together to show the power of being part of a community.
The media wants you to tune in to their programming, so they will continue to report the worst case scenario. Fear will always be there. Panic will always be there. But there is still so much good in the world. So much that we must stop panicking and count our blessings from time to time. For tomorrow the sun will rise, just as it always does. Tomorrow is on it’s way and I hope your tomorrow will be beautiful. xx