When we found out last June that I was pregnant, both Will and I were ever so cautious about every move that I made. We had already lost one baby at 9 weeks and had worked/wished so hard for this baby that we were both being very cautious about every move and decision that we made. Which in turn meant several weeks of no more kayaking, no bike riding, no jogging, no using the stairs at work, no walking the dog (seriously) and basically sitting still on the couch and watching the days roll by. Will basically had me under lock and key for the first trimester. Hey I am not complaining. Will took care of me, made dinner every night, and I got to catch up on more Netflix and sleep then I ever thought imaginable. But it was a very nerve racking first trimester. But we got through it, and by around 13 weeks, I had the okay from my fertility doctor (and more importantly my husband) to start moving and being active again. And so I did. And that’s where barre comes in.
I started going to Barre Evolution at the start of my second trimester. I am now 37 weeks pregnant and have been averaging 3-4 times every week since 13 weeks, with the exception of when we went on vacation to California for two weeks. And boy did I feel a difference when I got back!. Each time I go to barre, the instructors take such good care of me. They don’t push me into doing anything I don’t feel comfortable doing, but they take the time to show me compensatory ways that I can still stay active in my hamstrings, glutes, and even in my abs. I met with a few midwifes and nurses at a holistic birth center class to go over natural childbirth preparation (no jaw dropping, I am doing it all natural and that is all there is to it) and they all emphasize the importance in pelvic floor strengthening and they even showed some of the exercises that we should begin in our third trimester. Well luckily for me, I have been doing these same exercises in barre class since day one! For once in my life I feel prepared and confident that I have been making the right choices for my body by going to barre throughout this pregnancy. And I can’t think of another workout for pregnant women that can prepare you this way!
Here are some photos of my growing bump all while doing barre along the way.
This past November the Charleston Blog Society was treated to an after hours private class at Barre Evolution. Here is a photo of some of the gals after class. That’s me on the far right holding a ball as a prop, per usual. Gotta always have a prop. So much fun hanging with these girls at one of my favorite spots!
xxoo Priscilla
Disclaimer: I was not paid or endorsed by Barre Evolution for this post. I just really wanted to spread the word on something that I think otherwise would find useful.