Hey everyone! Merry Christmas or errrr happy Martin Luther King Junior Day. Okay, wait that’s already passed too, so let’s just say happy everything. Each year the holidays seem to come and go at lightning speed and this year was no exception. Between all of our families in town, some very anticipated doctor appointments, followed by a disappointing and heartache end to our year (more on that later), it felt like there wasn’t much to time to think about blogging. But I’m back and looking forward to sharing more of my adventures. I found in 2017 that I really enjoyed making short videos and so I hope to continuing doing so this year and sharing the videos of our travels and other special occasions. So in between the past few weeks filled with snow days and endless Thomas the Train books, I found time to whip together this video recap of Christmas with our Terzo family.
This Christmas was exceptionally cold for Charleston, but as usual the presents seemed endless, the laughter from all the children was contagious, and the food seemed to never stop. I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and can’t wait to see what 2018 brings! Enjoy the video!
And if you liked the video, make sure you subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking here! thanks in advance! xxoo