In my 20s I was thrown each year into wedding season. Now as I enter my 30s (I’m almost 33 but that’s still entering, right?) it’s baby showers and first birthday parties. So this year I decided to try my hand at some homemade gifts for my friends’ baby showers and avoid the unpleasant drive up to Babys R Us. Now this may come off as judgmental but when I see mothers with these ridiculously large giraffe printed or paisley looking diaper bags, I wonder, “do they really need all that shit?” I look at my sister who has 2 kids under two and she has never owned a diaper bag. So I asked her about it, and she agreed that babies really don’t need half the crap that is in those bags. So alas I decided to make some quick and easy diaper clutches. These clutches are great for carrying just the essentials: a few diapers, a pack of wipes, and maybe a back up outfit in case they spit up/puke/poop themselves. There is also room for a carry on size of hand sanitizer, diaper cream, powder, ect. Then when baby is all grown up, mom will have a stylish clutch that she can take out and about to carry her cell phone, cigarettes, lottery cards, and mini bottles of vodka. Or whatever else her heart might desire.
I filled my clutch with products from the Honest Company because I love the idea that everything is all natural and non toxic. And of course I made a matching onsie because… well….duh.
Tutorial to Make Your Own DIY Diaper Clutch:
– 2 pieces of 13” x 18” fabric
– 2 pieces of 13” x 18” Interfacing (optional)
– fold over bias taping
– 1 magnetic snap (You can purchase these from the handbag notion section of your local fabric store. They should look something like this. )
– Thread (it should match the color of your bias tape)
1. Cut two pieces of fabric 13” wide by 18” long. I used a pack of baby wipes to size out my pieces and that’s how I came up with this measurement. I also used two different printed fabric pieces, one for the main outside fabric and one for my lining onside .
2. Add two layers of medium weight interfacing if using regular woven fabric. If you are using a thicker fabric such as corduroy or home dec, or if you like “floppy bags” you can eliminate this step but I still like to add interfacing to all my bags to give them a crisp stiff look.
3. Place the two pieces of interfaced fabric wrong sides together. Round off the top two corners but leave the bottom two corners as is. You can use a CD or a coffee mug to help you obtain an even rounding out your corners,
4. Before you can sew your two piece together you need to add your magnetic snap. Place your pack of diapers on top of the two pieces of fabric. Fold the bottom side up (the side with the squared corner. this will be the bottom of your bag.) Pin in place. Then fold down the top pieces (with the rounded corners). This should overlap the bottom piece. Taking an invisible marker and mark where the two pieces meet in the middle. This is where you will add your snaps. The top snap with be placed through your lining only. The bottom snap will be placed through the main fabric only.
5. Now that your snaps are in place, unfold your fabric. Fold your bias tape across the bottom sandwiching in both layers of fabric, wrong sides together, between the bias tape and op stitch your bias tape across the bottom 1/8 in. from the edge.
6. Refold your clutch back to it’s desired size, using the snaps as a guide to where you want it folded. Now sew bias tape on both sides and along the top, being careful around those rounded corners.
7. Give it all a good press and you are done! Enjoy your new diaper clutch!