True fact about me: I don’t like to sit still and I definitly don’t like to miss a thing. So because of that we are the family that tries to cram as many things into a weekend as humanly possible and almost never says no to an RSVP. But life with a newborn has made me really see the need to slow things down. So I am trying to embrace the idea of just doing one thing on the weekend. And I’ve found there is some beauty is taking things slow and not rushing off to the next big thing. So with this, I have decided to start sharing on the blog some of the fun spots and fun things around Charleston that we love to do on the weekends. And first up on the list is a picnic at Hampton Park.
Hampton Park is a city park so there is no admission. The park is right down town near the Citadel and has walking/running trials that I utilize for stroller dates with my mom friends; a playground that Liam has come to enjoy; and a duck pond with all the duck poop your husband’s size 13 shoes can step in. But my favorite part are all the native plants/flowers that grow throughout the year, including this crazy two-colored cherry blossom tree that I noticed for the first time this year. It is actually one tree and we were told it has a virus which is why it blooms two different colors. It blooms like this in late February to early March and only stays in bloom for a week or two. I feel like recently I have become the equivalent of a storm chaser, but instead of chasing storms, I am chasing flowers. Quick, we have to go see the camellias. A week later: okay quick now the azaleas! I guess that’s what your late 30s will do to you.
I have started wearing Bear in this Wildbird ring sling and it is perfect for short walks or running errands. I haven’t tried it on long walks but I should now that he is 10lbs and I will keep you posted on how I felt afterwards. It is made out of chambray and I am the second owner so it is nice and broken in and feels soft on his skin. I am still learning how to do a perfect ring sling. But I couldn’t resist taking a photo of his cute little hand poking out of the sling. Gosh I just love this newborn phase and I can already see myself being sad to see it go.
Until next time…. Priscilla