Hello friends, family, and followers! You may have noticed a little change to the blog. After many weeks of deliberating, I have decided to change my blog name. Fashion and Fishing. com was something I created in 2012 when all of our spare time was spent obsessing over sewing (me) and fishing (Will). And yes we still love those two things deeply! But as we continue to go through life, our marriage, our travels, raising Liam to be a kind and thoughtful little boy, and continuing work on building and growing our family, I have discovered that my priorities have shifted and thus I decided to have my blog’s name reflect that.
So welcome to the new blog (thehopefulwanderers.com). Hopefully this blog will reflect more of who we are now: A little (but kinda big) family who is navigating through life one day and one adventure at a time. Who has struggled with challenges these past few years but always remains hopeful. And a family of homebodies who craves a Friday night of sewing and the smell of pluff mud on our shoes, but also longs for an adventure on the road. A family of hopeful wanderers.
You will still see lots of sewing and DIY project because #cantstopwontstop but I also hope to share more of my writing, more stories on our adventures with infertility and parenthood, some really fun video blogs as I have found a new passion for videography (hmmm wonder where that gene came from), and hopefully more travel posts and videos because as we wander through life, I am lucky to get the chance from time to time to wander to other amazing places around globe with my two boys.
Thank you for reading this far and for (hopefully) enjoying the blog. If you have any thing you want me to talk/blog/video/write about, shoot me a message, I am all ears!
– Priscilla
PS- if you’re feeling like you have 3 minutes to spare, check out this video and give us a little thumbs up on YouTube! xoxo