In a town filled with little girls in smocked dresses, little boys wearing john-johns until they’re seven, and monogrammed initials on nearly anything imaginable, I find myself to be in the minority when it comes to children’s fashion. And while I was born in the south, I should point out that my first experience with grits wasn’t until high school. And I was way into my 20s before adding shrimp to your grits made any sense. So no I wouldn’t necessarily say I was raised southern. And when it comes to dressing my four month old, I do not usually buy the typical southern attire. So when I am out and about shopping, I have a hard time finding outfits for Liam that I think are cute but still fitting into my “baby style” (if that’s even a thing). So naturally, I decided it only made sense to make him some pants! And these are not your typical baby pants. I am calling these Liam’s hot pants. I have no idea why. But lets just roll the pictures, shall we?
Rather than reinventing the wheel, I am going to share a few links I found through my fellow sewing bloggers that have great FREE patterns and tutorials on how to make baby pants/leggings:
- Todd Ah
- See Kate Sew (jeggings!)
- Baste and Gather (this one is great for cloth diaper babies!)
Once you make one or two pair, you will find how ridiculously easy this is. In fact I made four in just one short evening. (Mind you this was one of those rock star evenings where Liam slept the entire time. Those feel like such a distant memory….) This was a great quick sew and a great use of remnant knit fabric. In fact I have dresses from both the top two Art Gallery knit fabrics. So perhaps a little mommy and me twinning session is in our future. These last two knits I love because the first one has roman numerals and as you may recall, Liam is the IV generation. And the second one I love because I heart hedgehogs. Shout out to my boy Lionel.
It’s great to be back to my sewing machine, even though the moments are short, I’ll take what I can get. Until next time! Priscilla