They say the first year of marriage is the hardest. But I don’t believe it. A year ago today I stood in front of 260 people and told them that I would promise to love this man forever. That has been the easiest promise I have ever had to keep. In this past year I have fallen even more in love with him. In love with the way he always take off my glasses when I fall asleep before he does. I love the way that he has to be the last to leave the house when we go on a trip so that he can check behind me, since I am always rushing out the door. I fell more in love with him when he took care of my “over exaggerated stomach virus” and how he is so considerate to me that he asks every time if he can buy himself a little sometime, even if its just a book. But then even through the times this year that weren’t so pretty (like me throwing objects into the window, sitting through semen analysis tests, and holding my hands during time and time again of negative pregnancy tests), he always made me feel like together we can get through anything. I promised a year ago to love this man forever and what an easy promise that has been.
So now I promise to you, Will, to make year number 2 our best year yet, if that’s even possible. I promise to continue to be a better person than you have already made me want to be. I promise to listen instead of reacting, to breathe instead of throwing books across the room, to continue to give you my whole heart, and to be patient with life’s plans because I know that no matter what life brings or doesn’t bring me, as long as I have you, I have everything I need. Always and forever, Priscilla