Summer has arrived and the boys and I are spending the majority of our time outside in the garden, playing in the front yard, or walking down to the beach.
Last week Bear had his first “big boy” injury after a wooden swing in the front yard smashed right into his forehead. We were so lucky he did not need stitches but after lots of blood, tears, and some mild panicking on my end, I decided this would be our one and only trip to the ER for the year….at least if I have anything to say about it!
I decided to take some time to make myself more aware of the risks of summertime injuries and ways I can lower the chances of the boys being injured during this long hot summer. I thought I would share this list with you all today.
Here are a few ways you can keep your children happy and safe during your Charleston summer.
Watch out for water.
Drowning is one of the top causes of death for young children in the United States. Most of these drowning deaths occur in summer months at pools, lakes, and other bodies of water. If you have a pool at home, make sure it is covered when not in use. If you attend a pool party or visit the lake or beach with your children, make sure they are within your sight at all times. It only takes a few minutes for an unattended child to fall into a pool and possibly drown, so be vigilant.
Apply sunscreen regularly.
Many parents underestimate the importance of sunscreen unless they are at the beach. However, in a hot area like Charleston, it is absolutely essential. Not only are sunburns painful, too much sun exposure can cause health issues later in life, such as skin cancer. Make sure you and your little ones lather on the sunblock before hitting the outdoors, and reapply every few hours (or every hour if you’re in the water.) This is the sunscreen we use and I absolutely love it!
Understand common sports injuries.
Sports injuries are one of the most common types of injuries among children. Some common sports injuries include concussions, knee injuries, ACL tears, and wrist and ankle sprains. Make sure you’re aware of the types of injuries your child is most likely to deal with depending on the sport they are playing. If your child displays any signs of these injuries, get them medical care right away. We have Liam signed up again for karate camp at the end of July, otherwise I think we will be avoiding all group sports for now.
Stay safe on road trips.
Car accidents are another leading cause of injuries and fatalities for children in the United States. I know many of us are not flying this summer but may be opting for a road trip instead. It is important to make sure that you are making these trips as safe as possible for your little ones. Make sure your car is checked out by a reliable mechanic, follow safe driving practices, and avoid distracted driving and drowsy driving. Lastly, practice proper car seat use and make sure that your children are properly secured before you leave the driveway.
Stay hydrated and know the signs of heat exhaustion.
Children can end up with heat stroke with few warning signs, as they don’t display as many symptoms of heat exhaustion as adults. Watch out for dizziness, tiredness, or confusion. Make sure that your children stay hydrated by providing them with plenty of water and other fluids during outdoor activities. (No child of mine has ever refused a popsicle.) If your child starts to show the signs of heat exhaustion, get them to a cool place to rest and give them fluids right away.
Invest in the proper safety gear.
Many summer injuries can be prevented by having the proper safety gear. Getting the proper helmets, knee pads, and other safety items can help prevent everything from scratches to concussions. Always wear your helmet, even if they are riding on the back of the bike carrier.
Use bug spray.
Bug bites are common during the summer, especially in hot areas like Charleston. While most bug bites are only an irritation, some bugs, such as ticks, can cause serious health issues. If you and your children are planning on spending time outside this summer, make sure you’re all wearing proper insect repellent. We love this brand.
These are just a few practical ways that you can keep your children safer this summer. There are so many fun activities or families in Charleston during the summer months. So get out and take advantage of them knowing you’re doing your best to help your children avoid common injuries.
Disclosure: This was a sponsored blog post, however all photos are mine and as always, all opinions are my own.