i wrote this poem as i lie in bed last night, feeling disappointed about our upcoming vacations to Washington DC and the south of France that have been either canceled or temporarily postponed. then i began to think of all the extroverts and the enneagram 7s; the canceled senior proms and the first birthday party invitations that won’t get mailed out; the weddings that got rescheduled and the funerals and baptisms with empty pews.
no one planned for this, so no one can tell you how you should feel. but i do think it’s okay to have two conflicting emotions at the same time. the same way you can cry while laughing at the end of a movie. or love someone close to you with all your heart and be angry with them at the same time. you can be understanding of this entire situation, but also be disappointed. life is weird and confusing and yes it can also make you feel sad. it doesn’t make you a bad person. it doesn’t make you selfish. it simply makes you a human. my heart goes out to anyone who is feeling all the feels and all the emotions during this strange time in our lives. xx